Industrial Equipment & Machinery Manufacturer

PDX Loadcells

METTLER TOLEDO Weighing Solutions

PDX Loadcells

Now Available for Your Weighbridge - 10 Year Load Cell Warranty

Product Code PDX CategoryWeighbridges/Truck Scales Vist Know More


No No more junction boxesjunction boxes ? revolutionary design eliminates all junction boxes, which are wired by hand in the field and are a common cause of vehicle scale failures (photo at right shows an example of a junction box from older technology) Simplified network ? removing junction boxes reduces the number of connections by at least 25% compared to other systems Lightning protection ? verified by independent testing to withstand up to an 80k amp surge, the built-in lightning protection system provides a shield for your load cells and the terminal to keep your scale running and eliminate unplanned expenses due to bad weather (tested to International Electrotechnical Commission IEC62305-1) Submersible ? hermetically sealed, IP68/IP69K system, including the fully welded enclosure and watertight connectors, ensures that a flooded scale won?t destroy your maintenance budget or give you an unnecessary insurance claim Market-leading, long-lasting, accuracyLaboratory Lightning Test ? 100% tested to provide superior weighing performance in all environments and conditions Predictive diagnostics ? self monitoring system can notify you (on screen, email, text message) of potential weighing errors before they become significant problems Robust design ? heavy-duty, corrosion-resistant stainless steel designed to resist damage in abusive environments Easy maintenance ? quick-release connectors are designed to save time and money, getting your scale back in service quickly while using the same robust, highly reliable design found in the harshest and wettest military and medical applications, where performance is a matter of life and death


POWERCELL PDX digital load cells protect your profits by ensuring that your vehicle scale weighs accurately day in and day out. Their predictive diagnostics constantly monitor your scale to give you peace of mind and reduced operating costs.


Product Code



No junction boxes Simplified network Lightning protection Submersible Market-leading, long-lasting accuracy Predictive diagnostics Robust design Easy maintenance.-- NIST HB44 10,000 III L-M -- ATEX and IEC Ex Zone 2/22

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