Industrial Equipment & Machinery Manufacturer

N-LINE Platform Balance

METTLER TOLEDO Weighing Solutions

N-LINE Platform Balance

N-Line floor scales combine exceptional accuracy with durability

Product Code 345 CategoryIndustrial Weighing Scales Vist Know More


Rugged and Accurate N-Line floor scales are designed with heavy industrial applications in mind. They can handle 100 percent end-loading, making them ideal for concentrated-load applications. They can withstand harsh and corrosive environments. The hygienic design makes them suitable for any kind of food and pharma applications.High-Accuracy Load Cells Load cells included are both IP68 & IP67, making them useful for any kind of harsh and wet conditions. IP68 load cells are hermatically sealed with a welded cover to keep out moisture and dirt.The rocker pin automatically aligns in the blind-hole load point, concentrating all vertical load at one point on the load cell. The fixed end and side bumpers protect the load cell from side-loading damage. This type of compensation system is more durable and reliable than threaded connections. Fixed lower receiver helps to keep rocker pin in ideal weighing positions and requires no adjustments.


Rugged Construction Built for heavy duty use Suitable for use in harsh environments Protection Class: IP67 & IP68 Ideal for wet and harsh environments Availibler with Stainless Steel Load Plate For protection in corrosive environments High-performance scale Consistent and repeatable performance Designed to fit Custom sizes and flexible configurations The N-Line weighing range is+C26 600 to 3,000 kilograms with a variety of platform sizes available. The platform can be constructed with MS/MS, SS/MS and SS/SS, depending upon application and equipment usage.


Product Code



N-Line Heavy-Duty Floor Scales MOC Housing MS/ SS 304 MOC Load Plate MS/ SS 304 Capacity 600/ 1500/ 3000kg Readability 100/ 200/ 500gm Size 1000/ 1250/ 1500 x 1000/ 1250/ 1500mm

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